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Senior Care: Tips for Infection Control and Fall Prevention

Senior Care: Tips for Infection Control and Fall Prevention

As we grow older, our body’s immune system weakens and we become more susceptible to diseases. Infections and fall-related accidents are serious threats to senior health as they can quickly lead to life-threatening conditions. Hence, Hand Homecare Provider, Inc. will share valuable tips for infection control and fall prevention.

  • Reducing infections in the elderly.

    Infections occur when microbes invade the body leading to illness and even organ damage. Studies show a broad range of infections that present serious risks for seniors, such as respiratory infections, tuberculosis, influenza, nosocomial infections, and more. Practicing infection control can protect seniors from illness and prevent hospitalization too.

    Seniors and their caregivers in California should practice proper handwashing and avoid sharing personal items. Make sure to cover your mouth when coughing and to prepare healthy meals safely. Consuming food that contains probiotics, healthy fats, and protein can nourish the body and fight off infections.

    Staying active by exercising regularly is foundational for preventing infections and maintaining senior health. Regular exercise promotes heart health and enhances strength while alleviating stress in older adults.

  • Preventing fall-related injuries.
    According to data gathered by the National Council on Aging, falls are the leading cause of fatal injuries and trauma-related hospital admissions for seniors in the U.S., with 1 in 4 seniors experiencing a fall yearly. For seniors receiving hospice care, it’s vital to create a fall-prevention plan with their primary caregiver and physician. In some cases, certain medications and health conditions can cause falls.

Additionally, seniors receiving home care in Canoga Park, California should make use of assistive devices such as handrails and grab bars in addition to caregiver assistance. Their home should be brightly lit with clear paths to prevent tripping on furniture and other objects.

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